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Interventi di recupero, restauro e risanamento conservativo Sisma Emilia

Seismic improvement of cultural heritage damaged by the Emilia Romagna earthquake in May 2012

Between 2013 and 2015, SOING studied numerous monuments affected by the 2012 earthquake in Emilia Romagna. In many cases, it was possible to carry out geotechnical and geophysical surveys for the geo-seismic site evaluation (Saint Peter’s Cathedral in Modena, the Church of the good death in Finale Emilia and the Church of San Francesco in Mirandola).

In these same buildings and in many more (Church of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Finale Emilia, the Rocca Stellata in Bondeno, the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Pieve di Cento, the Church of SS. Trinità in Pieve di Cento, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta of Fabbrico, the Cathedral of Guastalla, the Municipality of Guastalla, the Old Hospital of Parma, the Church of the Nativity of Mary in San Felice sul Panaro, the Church of Santa Apollonia in Ferrara, the Cathedral of Ferrara) geophysical investigations were carried out in order to characterise the foundation structures and to verify the presence of buried archaeological structures (3D ERT investigations and GPR surveys).

As for the elevated structures, we performed GPR surveys for evaluating the construction characteristics of the wall sections and visual and thermographic studies for assessing the cracking state of the main elevations, in addition to petrographic and stratigraphic investigations. In some cases, the intervention was limited to inspecting the metal safety elements, such as chains, rods and end-plate anchors. In the case of wooden roof structures, analyses were carried out on their conservation status by means of a resistograph test and a visual and integrated assessment survey.

Our customers were: the Regional Secretariat of the Emilia Romagna Mibact, the Curia of Bologna, the Curia of Ferrara, the Curia of Reggioemilia, ParmaInfrastrutture, the City of Pieve di Cento, Progettisti Associati of Sassuolo and the Cooperativa edile artigiana of Parma.
